About Me

Hi! My name is Izzy(she/her), and I’m a picture book illustrator from Tampa, FL.

I enjoy making whimsical picture book illustrations, which I draw in Photoshop. My work is expressive, squiggly and teeming with small details for readers to discover.

I graduated from Ringling College of Art and Design in 2024. I’ve had the opportunity to explore a few different artistic markets; some highlights include participating in a storyboarding workshop with Nickelodeon Studios, working as a concept artist on the project Chorus to Dero, and completing a scientific illustration internship with Minorities in Shark Sciences. However, I’ve really found my happy place with picture book illustration. I would love to work with publishers such as Candlewick Press or Highlights!

Besides my love of drawing (which I would do 24/7 if I could), some other things I like are the Enneagram (I’m a 1), being in nature, reading and researching the production of children’s books, and cats.


“Izzy took a rough character concept and made an appealing, animation-friendly version that fit into the style of Chorus to Dero. Love her work!” -Dana Corrigan, Co-Owner of Pencil Gator Animation Studio

“Izzy Robe’s scientific illustrations of sharks and rays for our ICONIC Oceans Project are truly exceptional. Her attention to detail, combined with her deep understanding of marine life, brings these majestic creatures to life in a way that is both visually stunning and scientifically accurate. Her work enhances our project by offering a clear and captivating representation of oceanic biodiversity.” -Jasmin Graham, President/CEO of Minorities in Shark Sciences

Work Experience

September 2024-Present – Tampa Museum of Art, Visitor Experience Representative

June-August 2024 – Minorities in Shark Sciences; llustrated 55 shark and ray species for the project ICONIC Oceans.

2023 – Illustrated two-page comic for Ringling’s annual comic book Meanwhile (Issue 14, pages 10-11)

2022- Pencil Gator Studios. Illustrated character designs and turnarounds for the animated pilot Fate Saga.

2022 – Illustrated two-page comic for Ringling’s annual comic book Meanwhile (Issue 13, pages 12-13)

2021 -2022 – Figure Drawing Tutor at Ringling College of Art and Design

2022 – Sales Ambassador at Blick Art Materials


2023 – Participated in a workshop with Cloudco through Ringling, creating and presenting Care Bears illustrations.

2023 – Participated in a workshop with Nickelodeon through Ringling, creating and pitching a storyboard for the show Kamp Koral.


2023 – Society of Illustrators Student Scholarship Contest 2023, for the illustration “The Too Clever Fox Comic’

2023 – 2023 Best of Ringling Annual Juried Exhibition, for the illustration ‘Too Clever Fox’

2022 – 2022 Best of Ringling Annual Juried Exhibition, for the illustration “Kite Ghost”


2020 – Awarded Tampa Bay Businesses for Culture and the Arts Charlie Hounchell Art Stars Scholarship, in Visual Arts

2020 – Awarded Florida Watercolor Society Scholarship

2019 – Awarded Anne Frank Humanitarian Award